Track: Transportation and Traffic
Slurry Seal is thin gruel thick layer of skin with a maximum of 10 mm thick non comprising a mixture of bitumen emulsion without heating with ingredients fine graded aggregate, mineral filler, water and other ingredients are mixed add operates uniformly and drawn on differences shaped surface asphalt or pulp slurry. With addition of the disposals asbuton and variation filler is an efforts to make a slurry mixture quality seal better thus able to increase the resilience Southwestern slurry seal from expense traffic Vehicles. This study aims to review the findings disposals know asbuton and variation of filler with doing experiments in the lab. Testing conducted with slurry seal type III is testing the consistency, timing, and Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS). Making and testing the test object is based on the specifications special Planning Asphalt Emulsion Slurry (Slurry Seal) from Bina Marga (Highways) (2008). As a control mixture slurry seal consistency test conducted to review the levels get optimum air followed before the test timings and Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) test. The analysis will be showed when lab study done. This study will be done at ‘Laboratorium DPU Bina Marga Provinsi Jawa Timur, Jalan Gayungkebonsari No. 167 Surabaya’ with materials that have been readily before and this study reviewed from ‘Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Ruas Jalan Kertosono–Jombang–Mojokerto–Gempol Km. 28+100 – 93+000’
Keywords slurry seal, consistency, setting time, indirect tensile strength