This study examines the dynamics of implementing Dojo training centers in the manufacturing industry and how management commitment influences these dynamics. Dojo training centers are recognized for their structured approach to enhancing employee skills, which can significantly improve operational efficiency. Utilizing the system dynamics approach, the study employs a methodology that models how different components within a manufacturing training system interact and influence each other over time. The modeling and simulation process uses the software tool Vensim, which allows the construction, simulation, and analysis of system dynamics models of the training system. The findings indicate that as management commitment to training increases, there is a corresponding increase in the conversion of new or unskilled workers to skilled workers, leading to an increase in profit and target revenue ratio. In particular, an 80% management commitment to training is identified as the optimal solution for achieving a steady increase in profit and target revenue ratio. The key conclusion drawn from this research is that management commitment directly and significantly impacts the overall performance of a manufacturing organization employing Dojo training centers. The study emphasizes the importance of using the system dynamics approach in training program evaluation and resource allocation decisions, which enhances operational efficiency and maximizes profitability in the manufacturing industry.