5th South American Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Conference

Production Management Model for Increase Efficiency by Applying Lean Manufacturing Tools as Standardized Work, Autonomous Maintenance and SLP in a Plastic Bottle Company

Ana Maria Meza-Cardenas & Jorge Antonio Corzo-Chavez
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Modeling and Simulation

Efficiency in companies is an important factor to calculate because it is the key number that makes it easier to have a clearer image of how the company works and what results its operation is providing, especially in companies in the commercial sector that always have constant on real time production, so they are constantly searching for new clients and new guidelines to compete with other companies in the same sector.

In this research, the central problem identified is related to the efficiency of the production process, which originates mainly due to the lack of standard procedures, a correct order in the production area and the absence of adequate maintenance on the machine used in printing plastic bottles.

With the aim of implementing a continuous improvement model, various lean methodologies will be applied, such as standardized work, SLP and autonomous maintenance along with various statistical tools that allowed us to reach the expected results. These techniques were implemented throughout two improvement cycles to optimize the production of plastic bottles and maximize efficiency, achieving important changes in the main KPIs outlined in our research going from 74% to 82% of efficiency during the labelling of the plastic bottles, giving us 9% more of the projected profits, reducing costs and increasing monthly sales. Therefore, this article seeks to determine what are the necessary improvements that must be implemented to increase productivity in the production area of a company in the commercial sector.

Published in: 5th South American Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Conference, Bogota, Colombia

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: May 7-9, 2024

ISBN: 979-8-3507-1735-8
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767