5th African conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, South Africa

Production model based on Lean-TPM to increase the efficiency of the finishing process in textile companies.

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Track: Engineering Management

Currently, many companies in the textile sector in Peru contribute considerably to the country's economy; year after year these companies have increased the value of exports. This is why, for example, in 2022, before the end of the year, 24% more than the value of total annual exports in 2021 was recorded, for example, as indicated by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP). ).

The textile sector in Peru has a very important role in growing and developing the industry and economy of Peru. This is due to the synergy of factors that directly influence its composition, factors such as labor, product design, services. , among others. Due to this, some companies have chosen to make improvements in different processes in order to improve their efficiency and quality. Some of the tasks to improve within the production processes of some textile companies are the times given during production intervals, having a percentage of efficiency higher than the standard, improving productivity, among other factors. However, to achieve a considered improvement in the aforementioned, one must begin with having the correct human capital, which works efficiently and has a unification as a company that leads to achieving short, medium and long-term goals. long term.

Published in: 5th African conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: April 23-26, 2024

ISBN: 979-8-3507-0549-2
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767