5th African conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, South Africa

Production Model Based on Lean Manufacturing and SLP to Increase Efficiency for a Company in the Metal Mechanical Sector

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Track: Engineering Management

For a developing country like Peru with a rapid growing manufacturing sector, the metal mechanic is one of the main driving forces because they provide machinery and tools for the rest of the sectors. However, this growth has been stopped by capacity limits and a wide range of troubles and delays that occur during the process, most of the Peruvian companies don’t have developed methodologies like the companies abroad whose production efficiency is good. As a response to this problem, we have developed a production model based on System Layout Planning and Lean manufacturing tools such as Total Productive Machine, 5S and Kanban. As a result of implementing these methodologies we have increased the efficiency of the system flow so that there won’t be too many delays and increase the productivity of the whole process.

Published in: 5th African conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: April 23-26, 2024

ISBN: 979-8-3507-0549-2
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767