14th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

The Effect of Physical Factors Towards the Performance of Workers in Automotive Machining Shop

Erialdi Syahrial
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Master Thesis Competition

There are many factors (ie age, noise level, shift, temperature) surrounding a person while working, causing difficulty in evaluating their productivity. This research aims to develop the relation between age, shift as well as noise level and worker productivity rate in an automotive machining shop and give company improvement suggestions on how to improve the worker productivity. Consequently, this research will help the company to maximize the productivity of their production line.  Method used for this project was 2 x 3 factorial experimental design. The scope for the research was CNC Machining Shop, Mass-pro design with U shape conveyor, manual loading and unloading work type, cycle time at 2.0 min with constant temperature of 32.2 °C, Humidity at 56% and 300 Lux. The research found that, among all three factors, only age was significant to productivity. Based on this research, younger workers were more productive by 3.1% as compared to older workers. The 3.1% acted as reference for employers in the production line to rotate their men, by putting older manpower at lower demands production line and younger manpower at higher demands production line.

There are many factors (ie age, noise level, shift, temperature) surrounding a person while working, causing difficulty in evaluating their productivity. This research aims to develop the relation between age, shift as well as noise level and worker productivity rate in an automotive machining shop and give company improvement suggestions on how to improve the worker productivity. Consequently, this research will help the company to maximize the productivity of their production line.  Method used for this project was 2 x 3 factorial experimental design. The scope for the research was CNC Machining Shop, Mass-pro design with U shape conveyor, manual loading and unloading work type, cycle time at 2.0 min with constant temperature of 32.2 °C, Humidity at 56% and 300 Lux. The research found that, among all three factors, only age was significant to productivity. Based on this research, younger workers were more productive by 3.1% as compared to older workers. The 3.1% acted as reference for employers in the production line to rotate their men, by putting older manpower at lower demands production line and younger manpower at higher demands production line.

Published in: 14th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, UAE

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: February 12-14, 2024

ISBN: 979-8-3507-1734-1
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767