14th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

The reality and prospects of caring for patients in medical and surgical emergency department

Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations


Background: Hospital emergencies, which take care of patients who cannot be handled “on an outpatient basis”. This patient care is the most sensitive indicator of the health system's effectiveness. A comprehensive continuous improvement approach must be established, the first step of which is to identify the current state of the emergency department's operations. The objective is to analyze the activity of the Medical and Surgical Emergency Department (MSED), namely the hospitalization unit, and identify gaps.

Materials and Methods: Conduct a quantitative assessment of the MSED hospitalization unit's activities in 2022 in order to understand its operations.

Results: The general organization of emergency services is known and described by regulations. At MSED, the work is divided according to distinct functional units (FU). Caregivers are divided into alternating teams, providing care all year round.  During 2022, the number of hospitalized patients was 23,435. The average daily admission was 217±20 patients, the average length of stay was 3.82±7.01 days. The average age was 38.12±26.42 years. These patients have multiple chronic diseases, the reason for admission is mainly ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, respiratory distress and pulmonary emboli.

Analysis: the care pathway is considered long due to, on the one hand, the patients' age and polypathologies, and on the other hand organizational factors.

 Conclusion: The analysis of the care pathway and duration at the MSED showed interest in creating tools to improve quality of care and quality of work life.

Keywords: Organization, Emergency Department, Optimization. Care Pathway.

Published in: 14th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, UAE

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: February 12-14, 2024

ISBN: 979-8-3507-1734-1
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767