6th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangladesh Conference

Supply Chain Management, an advancement of RMG growth in Bangladesh

S.H. Sakib & Shahidul Islam
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Modeling and Simulation

The Ready-Made Garments sector has been the major export sector in Bangladesh over the years. This paper aims to identify the influence of supply chain management for better advancement in this sector. Unique features like business, wage, time frame, supply chain, and compliances are included in the export-oriented RMG sector which makes it distinct from other businesses. Without appropriate supply chain management, the prospect of growth for any business is extremely low. Data for this study is collected from secondary sources. In our study, we try to emphasize how RMG aligns with supply chain strategies and collaborates with the supply chain partners and logistics. According to proper SCM procedure, our study tries to conduct the problems, analyze, eradicate, and modify the technologies. The outcome of the study may not be generalized as the data we are going to use is from secondary sources. The Ready-Made Garments sector has been the major export sector in Bangladesh over the years. This paper aims to identify the influence of supply chain management for better advancement in this sector. Unique features like business, wage, time frame, supply chain, and compliances are included in the export-oriented RMG sector which makes it distinct from other businesses. Without appropriate supply chain management, the prospect of growth for any business is extremely low. Data for this study is collected from secondary sources. In our study, we try to emphasize how RMG aligns with supply chain strategies and collaborates with the supply chain partners and logistics. According to proper SCM procedure, our study tries to conduct the problems, analyze, eradicate, and modify the technologies. The outcome of the study may not be generalized as the data we are going to use is from secondary sources.

Published in: 6th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangladesh Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: December 26-28, 2023

ISBN: 979-8-3507-1733-4
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767