1st International Conference on Smart Mobility and Vehicle Electrification

Design Of Medical Waste to Energy Incinerator for Zimbabwe: Case for Warren Park Polyclinic

Kelly Mashaka, Loice Gudukeya & Tawanda Mushiri
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Industry Solutions

This research focuses on the design of waste-to-energy incineration of Warren Park Polyclinic. The current problem at Warren Park Polyclinic is the way it  manages its everyday medical waste which is resulting in problem in the mismanagement of the medical waste by nearby creatures leading to health and safety risks of surrounding people and mostly patients loss of trust in the clinic`s sensitive waste disposal such as placentas. There is also poor sterilisation of medical equipment due to load shading. This waste to energy incineration will enable the clinic to properly sterilise medical equipment at no cost as they will use boiled water from incineration and it will also enable the clinic to provide better waste management by having an incinerator on site. The research also provides how literature review is carried out on how medical waste is being treated and also involves different ways in which energy is recovered from incineration and how resultant flue gas is filtered before it’s released to environment. Further to the report there is information on data collection which involves the use of questionnaires and interviews so as to fully understand the type and properties that the people at Warren Park clinic will require. The amount of fuel, oxygen and draft fans required for complete combustion were noted via the stoichiometry and heat balance equations. Results from the study proved that the Warren Park Clinic can burn the waste at 65kg/hr. while producing 40 litres of boiled water per burn.

Published in: 1st International Conference on Smart Mobility and Vehicle Electrification, Southfield, USA

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: October 10-12, 2023

ISBN: 979-8-3507-0550-8
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767