The uniqueness of the present idea is to utilize the “Combination of SAGARSONA and MYCORRHIZA” (de novo thinking product) for enhancing the productivity of paddy. The recent challenge in agriculture is how to regenerate and rejuvenate soils and stabilize production in the context of high chemical dependent production, and that will enable us to meet the goals of sustainable agriculture and provide safe and nutritious food security for all, especially the poor. SAGARSONA is an ideal organic manure prepared with locally available ingredients has been proved to be efficient at per with that of chemical fertilizers. While, the mutualistic associations between Mycorrhiza (potent pesticide) and agriculturally important crops have shown the potential to increase crop productivity, thereby playing a key role in the functioning and sustainability of agro-ecosystem. The ultimate goal is to achieve sustainability by enabling local SHG members along the NGO to support themselves financially in innovative ways instead of relying solely on grants and donations. Essential of the success of social enterprise is an effective business model. Sagar island is one of the epicenters of climatic hazards, by the recurrent cyclones (AILA, etc.) in recent years and migration from the nearby island of Ghoramara facing erosion into the sea and to plug them all by the recent Corona pandemic and return influx of its people who ventured out for greener pastures.