1st Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Students Metacognitive Awareness and Creativity in Biodiversity Conservation

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The decline in biodiversity is a global problem facing the world community. Metacognitive awareness affects the formation of a coherent mindset and creativity in students in solving biodiversity conservation problems. The purpose of this study was to determine metacognition awareness, creativity, and the relationship between metacognition awareness and student creativity in preserving biodiversity. This research method is a non-experimental survey involving 226 high school students. The instrument in this study was a metacognition awareness questionnaire and a test of students' creative essays. The results showed that the students' metacognitive awareness of cognitive knowledge aspects was 91.55 "Super" categories and cognitive regulatory aspects 60.36 "Developed" categories. The results showed that the student's creativity in the highest curiosity aspect was 54.65 basic categories; the highest fluency is 53.76 basic categories; the highest originality is 55.97 for the beginner category; the highest elaboration is 52.21 basic categories; the highest flexibility, namely 52.88 for the beginner category; and the highest divergent thinking is 54.42 in the beginner category. There is a relationship between metacognitive awareness and student creativity. Based on the research results, it is suggested that training to empower students 'metacognitive awareness to increase student’s creativity.


Metacognition awareness, creativity, biodiversity, conservation,  students high school

Published in: 1st Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Harbin, China

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: July 9-11, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-7923-6126-5
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767