8th North America Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

The Role of Supply Chain Management in Improving Food Quality, Drug Safety, and Public Health

Mona Haji
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Supply Chain Management

Over the past decade, supply chains and logistics operations have been increasingly targeted by public health measures concerning food quality and drug safety. This study systematically reviewed the existing literature to identify gaps in the study of food quality and drug safety, proposed solutions to these issues, and potential future research directions. A content analysis was employed in this study. The objectives of the review were to (1) Identify the factors that affect food quality and possible solutions to improve results, (2) Identify how to mitigate drug safety threats by implementing appropriate measures; and (3) Establish integrated supply chains for food and drugs by implementing modern technologies, which are followed by one another to ensure a multilayered cross-verification cascade and resource management at different phases to guarantee public health quality, safety, and sustainability. An analysis of the most recent trends and technologies used for ensuring food quality and drug safety has been conducted in this review. Two hundred-five articles were selected for study from 298 articles identified using appropriate keywords. Based on the available literature, all analyses and conclusions were made. This paper identifies research directions in public health and supply chain management.

Published in: 8th North America Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management , Houston, United States of America

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: June 13-15, 2023

ISBN: 979-8-3507-0546-1
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767