5th International Conference in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IMEOM)

Relationship of Present Serviceability Index for Flexible and Rigid Pavement in Urban Road Damage Assessment

0 Paper Citations
Track: Work Design & Measurement

The Road Condition Value determines the functional condition analysis of road pavements in managing flexible and rigid pavements for urban roads in Indonesia. The assessment is to obtain the pavement condition based on unevenness, rutting, and the primary damage to the pavement surface. This study aimed to determine the value of road damage on flexible and rigid pavements and the specific relationship between the Present Serviceability Index, International Roughness Index, and Pavement Condition Index. The method used is direct observation in the field to collect data on the types of damage that occur in both flexible and rigid pavements. The field survey results showed that the most common types of damage on flexible pavements were fillings and longitudinal cracks in rigid pavements, as many as 56 and 18, respectively. There is a strong relationship between PSI with IRI and PCI modeling with R2 values above 90%, which are acceptable for good, medium, and poor quality roads. The obtained equations develop a good relationship between IRI and PCI. Furthermore, the validation results show that the model has high accuracy.

Published in: 5th International Conference in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IMEOM), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: December 26-27, 2022

ISBN: 979-8-3507-0541-6
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2691-7726