Track: Data Analytics
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the possible factors that cause Alzheimer’s disease, how it is related with patterns of people who are more prone to have it. Moreover, this study will give a description of the gene apolipoprotein E(APOE) and how it could be related with other genes that affect people’s health. Furthermore, this research will show the correlation with other illnesses such as: diabetes type 2. In addition, a brief of brain studies, people’s behavior, diagnosis, proposal for prevention activities and risk factor analysis for the measures established in advanced stages of the disease. At the end of this research, it will discuss measures to control the illness, how to detect it in time to prevent it in relatives and future generations, and the prescription and medicaments more used in patients during all the cycle of the disease. In summary, this research will give synopsis and findings for the correlation between factors, pre-existing conditions, medicaments, environment, and genetics of people who have Alzheimer’s disease and people who are more prone to have it.