8th North America Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Safety Improvement Through Training using incident reports

Dave Evans & Kuldeep Agarwal
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Engineering Management

Despite the implementation of training during the onboarding process, weekly safety training, and on the job training a contractor experienced a disturbing trend in incidents reported during the 2022 work season. To understand the details surrounding and attributing to these incidents’ general safety data from the past five years was collected for analysis.  An in-depth analysis of the 2022 safety data was also generated from a series of incident reports. These reports contain both quantitative and qualitative data. The information provided in this paper covers both the general data collected and a detailed analysis of the 2022 reports. Based on the information collected program improvements are provided. Improvement to both the safety and the training program is necessary and a marriage of the two will be critical moving forward. These improvement suggestions are presented through refined training program proposals, technology incorporation examples, and include incentives for safe work. The improvements have not been adopted but are in the process of proposal. To ensure a safe completion to the 2023 work season several goals based on the information are generated.

Published in: 8th North America Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management , Houston, United States of America

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: June 13-15, 2023

ISBN: 979-8-3507-0546-1
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767