Track: Graduate Student Paper Competition
Companies and organizations worldwide have used approaches based on Lean Six Sigma to improve the quality of their processes and products, and although there are literature reviews on this topic, in recent years, the number of papers published on Lean Six Sigma has increased. Therefore, it is important to analyze the trends of the Lean Six Sigma approach to process improvement and to locate the most important research centers, authors, and articles with more relevance. This article presents a bibliometric review of the trends of the most used Lean Six Sigma approaches, analyzing 1,874 documents found in Scopus databases using PRISMA methodology and VosViewer software. The results indicate that the United States, United Kingdom, and Brazil publish the most articles. Likewise, Heriot-Watt University is the institution with the most consolidated research groups. The most prominent authors in this topic are Antony, J., Does, R.J.M.M., and Cudney, E.A. The most cited authors are Antony and Does, while the most published journals are the International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, and the International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management.