Track: Modeling and Simulation
In this paper, a new probability distribution called Generalized Continuous Uniform Distribution (GCUD) is presented, which is based on the standard uniform distribution. In this new distribution, a parameter is introduced in the probability density function that is associated with the power of the values of the random variable. The shape properties, the higher order moments, the moment generating function, the failure and survival function, and the model that simulates the GCUD are derived. In addition, this approach allows us to generalize the Generalized Uniform Distribution of Jayakumar and Sankaran (2019), which generates another new distribution that we call GCUD(J-S). To demonstrate the proposed model’s potential, we used a set of real data related to the Covid-19 pandemic was obtained, which were adjusted to the new distribution GCUD(J-S). The maximum likelihood method was used to calculate the parameter estimators applying the maxLik package in R language. The results show that the new model is more flexible and appropriate than other models already known in the literature.