Track: Lean
The Lean Six Sigma approach has become a popular initiative which companies have embarked on to remain
competitive, ensure growth within the global market and to establish customer satisfaction and loyalty. Six Sigma is
at the top of the agenda for many companies that aim to reduce cost and improve a firm’s productivity. This paper
focuses on a production that was unable to meet the hourly target. Using the six-sigma approach and DMAIC
methodology, the current problems on the line were studied and the root cause was established by using a fish bone
diagram. Process improvement initiatives were characterised by the installation of a conveyor, synchronised with the
takt time, and the production line was able to meet the daily output a. An Andon system was also installed to keep
track of scoring, to ensure each process meets their required cycle time and process operation as well as to indicate to
line management if there is an abnormality at any process or holistically.
Hourly Target, Fish Bone Diagram and Conveyor.