13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Practicing Sustainable Procurement in Papua New Guinea

Noel Martin, Aezeden Mohamed & Umamaheswararao Mogili
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Business Analytics


The procurement process is an efficient way of contract awarding system to the qualified contractors based on the record of similar years of experience. Contract documents are composed of executable items by the contractor from employer and is agreed by both parties for possible implementation per the agreement. One of the most efficient methods in drafting contract document is the efforts used to ensure contractor is well guided by the environmental management plans (EMP) which forms part of the contract. This is to ensure the surrounding communities are protected and simultaneously sustained by the tangible projects like building, roads and bridges, etc. Through recent COVID-19 pandemic that bombarded the world in less than a week or two, kept millions indoors and thousands in hospitals and graves, this will be one of the major issues that may be considered for possible inclusion to avoid undue hiccups in the future. The results of these items to be included and others on next set of conform contract amendments to the bill or considered for possible execution. The data or results when executed will yield positive outcome on the technical side on the benefit of procurement process. this will also watch and guide contractors on the importance of the pandemic experienced so far and take as a precautionary measure to protect the personals on site and thus avoid spread of the virus and in emergency. Sustainability of the environment and other surrounding properties within the vicinity of project site is paramount important. Thus, the EMP comes to play a vital role in ensuring all things found through the zone of influence must be protected and sustained. Thus, per the contract agreement, all are protected and sustained but at the expense of the employer. For the COVID-19 pandemic to be incorporated into the contract agreement, it will certainly improve the document to more proper and standard in considering all emergency measures into consideration plus the safety of the construction works on site who are vulnerable by airborne disease may use masks or hand sanitizers not only for COVID-19 but for safe health practices. Thus, this will be used in avoiding and addressing, social responsibility, environmental sustainability, economic improvement and effective healthcare system including immediate issue which may be imminent ahead in the future.


Sustainable Procurement, Environmental Sustainability, Social Responsibility, Economic, Healthcare

Published in: 13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Manila, Philipines

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: March 7-9, 2023

ISBN: 979-8-3507-0543-0
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767