Track: Modeling and Simulation
Tanjung Priok Port and international trade are two things that cannot be separated. However, the performance of the Tanjung Priok Container Terminal is currently not optimal even though Tanjung Priok is the main port lever in
Indonesia in terms of exports to foreign countries. As a result, increasing the productivity of container ports in serving container traffic flows is essential. In order to improve container terminal productivity, this study will create a model
and simulation of container stacking in the stacking yard (stacking area). A proper stacking procedure (stacking rules) will limit the amount of reshuffling, which is a waste in container operations. The study's findings are discrete event
simulation-based models that may be used to evaluate container stacking options based on container terminal productivity. As a result, it is planned to provide an understanding of the relationship between productivity and
container stacking procedures in stacking yards.
Discrete Event Simulation, stacking rules, stacking yard, reshuffling, port productivity, container terminal, modeling
Armand Omar Moeis, Dr. is an assistant professor in the Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. His research focuses mainly on Maritime Logistics, with minor research focuses on Renewable Energy techno-economic policy. He especially deploys methods based on System Dynamics, Simulation Gaming, and Policy Analysis.
Irfan Rolanda Adfikaputra is an Undergraduate Student of Industrial Engineering at Universitas Indonesia. Currently in the final year of studies, He is using this research as a thesis for a requirement to receive a bachelor’s degree in Engineering. He is interested in Simulation Modeling, Manufacturing Process, and Risk Management.
Andri Dwi Setiawan, Dr. is a lecturer at the University of Indonesia. His research interests are in decision under Uncertainty and Risk, Energy Management, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems, Systems Engineering, Support and Logistics for Systems Engineering, Technology Policy Modeling with System Dynamics.