Track: Case Studies
Society 5.0 post-pandemic has an essential need in accordance with its existentialism as a human being, namely, to feel connected to each other. A valuable lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic shows that limiting interactions with other people doesn't stop people from staying connected. They use social media as a tool to connect themselves with others personally and widely. This study consists of two studies that aim to provide empirical evidence that the use of social media plays a role in predicting the psychological function of nostalgia (study 1), and the function of nostalgia plays a role in predicting social connectedness (study 2). The results showed that social media had a significant role in predicting the nostalgia function, and the nostalgia function was shown to play a significant role in predicting social connectedness. The findings of this study suggest that using social media as a form of social media memory can trigger nostalgic memories, allowing people to experience nostalgia and social connectedness in the current day.
Memory nostalgic, nostalgia, social connectedness, social media, social media memory