3rd Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Implementing Ethical 'Code of Work Ethics': A Case Study of Apple and Foxconn Supply Chain

Desty Maharani & Tirta Nugraha Mursitama
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Supply Chain Management

This study discusses the violation of the code of work ethics by Foxconn against the rights of its workers under the protection of the Fair Labor Association (FLA) policy. This study aims to find out Foxconn supply companies in increasing Apple production through forced labor carried out by workers who work at Foxconn without any guarantee of welfare and health and safety empowerment for their workers as well as guarantees of survival and a decent basic salary. This problem has become a form of human rights violations and inequality in the welfare of workers at the Foxconn company which has led to demonstrations and protests for Foxconn workers to obtain human rights for workers. Although Foxconn's role as Apple's main supplier has helped Apple in achieving its strategy in today's digital era. But not for the welfare of Foxconn workers. This case study is strengthened by using the Global Production Network (GPN) theory, which relates to production networks across economic boundaries to the actors involved. Meanwhile, the role of the workforce is also involved in the GPN because as a supplier of labor it is not only involved in the interests of the company, but is also involved in the state structure and global capital structure. There is also an approach used by researchers using a qualitative research approach. The data used by the researcher is secondary data obtained from journals, official websites, report data, and several articles that have been validated. The implication of this research is to improve workers' rights in a company under the protection of the Fair Labor Association. Companies are required to apply a Code of Work Ethics to their workers to improve the welfare of workers and build a better corporate image.



Sustainable Development Goals, Fair Labor Association, Global Production Network, Code of Work Ethics

Published in: 3rd Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: September 13-15, 2022

ISBN: 978-1-7923-9162-0
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767