3rd Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Learning Asian Languages Using Online Platforms during Pandemic Times: Evidence from Indonesian Youth

Indira Kastaty & Ella Syafputri Prihatini
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Engineering Education

Asian languages such as Mandarin, Japanese, and Korean have become popular among Indonesian youth, as more people are interested in acquiring the foreign languages. However, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face learning approach has been restricted. This leaves a window of opportunity for online platforms to fill the gap by providing the means to learn Asian languages for the Indonesian young generation who tend to consume pop culture products from China, Japan, and Korea. This article examines the experience of Indonesian youth in learning the mentioned Asian languages using online platforms during pandemic times. An online survey conducted in March 2022 with a sample of study consists of 310 research participants aged 16 to 30 years old, and 14 of them agreed to take part in the interview sessions. The findings suggest that the Indonesian young population continue to show substantial interest in learning Asian languages, especially Korean (85%), followed by Japanese (68%) and Mandarin (51%). Around 84% of participants were satisfied using online platforms to learn foreign languages. Nevertheless, learning foreign languages online is not always smooth sailing, as internet connection often hinders learners to maximize their excellent experience with the process.



Online Learning, Asian Language, Pandemic, Foreign Language and Indonesian Youth.

Published in: 3rd Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: September 13-15, 2022

ISBN: 978-1-7923-9162-0
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767