1st Australian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Contribution of Blended Learning with Learning Facilities with Improved Learning Achievements through The Motivation of Junior High School Students

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Track: Case Studies

This study conducted on junior high school students in the Larompong District of Luwu Regency analyses whether blended learning and learning facilities affect motivation in the Larompong District of Luwu Regency. To study whether blended learning, learning facilities, and motivation affect the learning achievements of junior high school students in Larompong District, Luwu Regency; and to analyze whether blended learning and learning facilities affect learning achievement through motivation. This research approach is quantitative with associative research types or examines causal relationships. This research was carried out at junior high schools in Larompong District, Luwu Regency, namely SATAP Lumaring State Junior High School, Larompong 1St State Junior High School, Rante Alang State Junior High School, Mulya Synergy Pesantren Junior High School, Tahfidz Al-Quran Nurut Tauhid Middle School, and Nur Elhaq Islamic Junior High School, with a total sample of 258 students from 730 students. Sample quantity determination technique with solving technique and sample withdrawal through Nonprobability Sampling technique. Data analysis techniques use path analysis as well as Sobel tests. Based on the study results, it was found that Blended learning and learning facilities had a positive and significant effect on students' learning motivation in junior high school in Larompong District, Luwu Regency. Furthermore, Blended learning, learning facilities, and student motivation in education also have a positive and significant effect on student learning achievement. Blended learning and learning facilities positively and significantly impact learning achievement through encouragement as an intervening variable in students

Published in: 1st Australian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Sydney, Australia

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: December 21-22, 2022

ISBN: 979-8-3507-0542-3
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767