Track: Case Studies
This research is motivated by catcalling activity that commonly happened in Universitas Medan Area environment. Catcalling activity leads to a various perception of students. However some of them thought that catcalling was not a form of sexual harrashment. Otherwise, many of students thought that catcalling was a dissrespectfull behavior. The purpose of this research is to understand the students of Universitas Medan Area perceptions about catcalling activity and as well as any of the factors behind it. This research was conducted at Universitas Medan Area and the method of this research was qualitative descriptive. This research used S-O-R theory and semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Pierce. Data collected method of this research was interviews and observations. The result of this research shows that man and woman both can be a victims and perpetrator of catcalling and the various response towards catcalling activity like some of the subject feels outrage and bravely against the perpetrator and some of them not even care if being catcalled and also some of them are happy being treated or catcalled that way by stranger.