1st Australian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Analysis of Training and Development on Performance Through Professionalism and Hard Skill Competence for Civil service Police Unit in Jeneponto Regency

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Track: Business Management

This study aimed to determine and analyze the effect of Training and Development on Performance through Professionalism and Hard Skill Competence for the Civil service police Unit (Satpol PP) in Jeneponto Regency. This research was carried out at the Jeneponto Regency Satpol PP Office, which lasted for approximately 2 (two) months, namely October to November 2020. This study used a causality (cause-and-effect) design with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all employees of the Satpol PP Office in Jeneponto Regency, namely 180 people. The sampling technique used saturated sampling, where all population members were used as research samples, namely 180 people. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation, while data analysis by path analysis. The results show that the variable with the highest path coefficient value is training and development of work professionalism and complex skill competence. Training and development for the Satpol PP Office in Jeneponto Regency are considered to improve employees' work professionalism and complex skill competence. Through this training and development, the employees' competence in hard skills is also increasing. They are indicated by the better technical skills, knowledge, and mastery of employee technology. On the indirect effect, the variables of work professionalism and complex skill competence as intervening variables can moderate the training and knowledge variables. The two intervening variables that also directly influence performance indicate that the variables of work professionalism and complex skill competence can also directly affect the performance of the Satpol PP Office in Jeneponto Regency employees. Indirectly, the relationship between variables through moderating variables does not show such a significant influence because employees who participate in training and development and produce increased professionalism and hard-skill competencies are sure to create a good performance. The results of this study contribute to the lack of references that explain how well-managed training and development can make a good performance.

Published in: 1st Australian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Sydney, Australia

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: December 21-22, 2022

ISBN: 979-8-3507-0542-3
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767