Track: Case Studies
Young people are the next generation of the nation. The future of the nation's life is in the hands of the younger generation. Therefore, the spirit of nationalism is very important for the younger generation, especially young people in border areas. This study aims to review the nationalism of young people in the Indonesia-Malaysia border area. This study uses a mixed-method research method, combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. The quantitative descriptive in this study is a description of the variables of national, socio-economic, and political insight. The national insight variable consists of various indicators, namely Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, the proclamation of independence, the Indonesian president, the meaning of the red and white flag, the youth oath, religion in Indonesia, the basis of the state, and Pancasila. The socio-economic variables consist of several indicators, namely daily needs, food commodities, currency, social welfare, infrastructure, education, health, religious freedom, tolerance, nationality, and language. The political variables consist of various indicators, namely corruption, race, religion, ethnicity, terrorism, narcotics, militarism, smuggling, and regional leaders. While on the qualitative aspect, this research reflects the nationalism of young people in the border area of Sebatik Island, both from the reflection of national, socio-economic, and political insights.