1st Australian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

The Role of Parents' Knowledge, the Environment on Student Behavior and Its Impact on Dental and Oral Health in the Work Area of the Public Health Center in Central Mamuju

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Track: Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

This study aims to measure and analyze the role of parental and environmental knowledge on student behavior and its impact on dental and oral health in the Public Health Center (Puskesmas) working area in Central Mamuju. It researched it at the Lara Public Health Center, Korossa District, Central Mamuju. The sampling technique used was Stratified Proportional Random Sampling. The total population was 2400, and the final sample obtained was 343 samples. The analysis tool used is path analysis using SPSS version 25.0 software. The results showed that among the variables that became the indicators of this study, the variable of the role of parental knowledge had the highest significance value among other variables. Both the direct influence of knowledge on oral health and the power of expertise through the intervening variable student behavior in the Puskesmas Work Area in Central Mamuju, meanwhile, variables with negative and insignificant values are shown in the direct influence of environmental variables on student behavior in the Puskesmas working area in Central Mamuju. Thus, the role of parental knowledge becomes a trigger in influencing student behavior and health behavior.

Published in: 1st Australian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Sydney, Australia

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: December 21-22, 2022

ISBN: 979-8-3507-0542-3
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767