1st Australian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Accelerating A Commercialization of The Innovation Technology Using Early Supply Chain Integration: A Case Study the Electric Motorcycle Swap Battery in Indonesia

Wahyudi Sutopo
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Industry Solutions

In most cases, many technology products resulting from research happened to fail to be launched to the market due to the valley of death. This obstacle usually occurs in the transition process between technology development and technology commercialization. Hence, critical action is needed to accelerate the technology commercialization to ensure the commercialization potency of research output does not fall into the valley of death. The innovation of the Electric Motorcycle Swap Battery (EMSB) technology encourages the formation of a new ecosystem at the early of the supply chain, including technopreneurs and startups from manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors for commercialization. Swappable Batteries (SB), Electric Motorcycle (EM), and Battery Swap/Charging Station (BSCS) are key components of EMSB that have attracted the attention of supply chain players and government to find a thriving solution to enable faster adoption and diffusion of EMSB in Indonesia. Previously, the Center of Excellence for Electrical Energy Storage Technology, Universitas Sebelas Maret (or CoE-EEST UNS) has developed SB, EM, and BSCS prototypes with limited systems to operate the EMSB. However, to transfer technological innovations and/or facilitate operations of the EMSB on a large scale, there are various challenges and problems with products, processes, innovations, and businesses that are required to be solved.  There are five interventions/models that were proposed by  CoE-EEST UNS, namely circular business for EMSB, innovation diffusion and adoption, technology readiness and economic benefits prediction, location-allocation for smart charging, and Internet of Things-based decision support system for distributing EMSB, and the technical requirements for interoperable of EMSB. The interventions/models are seen as alternatives to accelerate the downstream of EMSB technology innovation, and then maximize the economic benefits of a green economy in Indonesia.


accelerating commercialization; early supply chain integration; electric motorcycle swap batter; green economy; technology innovation.

Published in: 1st Australian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Sydney, Australia

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: December 21-22, 2022

ISBN: 979-8-3507-0542-3
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767