Track: Business Management
This study aims to describe the effect of work environment and organizational culture on the performance of employee through work motivation as an intervening variable at PT Manggala Energi*). The method in this study is qualitative method that are quantified. Population of 50 respondents and a saturated sample of 50 respondents. The data analysis method used is SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with the application SmartPLS 3 students version. The result of this study indicate that there is an effect of work environment on employee performance with a coefficient of 0.64. There is an effect of work environment on work motivation with acoefficient of 1.14. there is an effect of organizational culture on employee performance with a coefficient of 0.50. there is an effect of organizational culture on work motivation with a coefficient of -0.70. There is an effect of work motivation on employee performance with a coefficient -0.29. Work environment and organizational culture can explain work motivation with a determination value of 0.67. Work Environment, Organizational Culture, and Work Motivation can explain Employee Performance with a determination value of 0,96.