Track: Master Thesis Competition
Moment resisting frames, shear wall systems, bracing systems, space trusses, tubular structures, and other structural systems are used to design tall buildings. Diagrid is a modern structural technology that is being used to develop tall buildings. A parametric comparison of simple frame construction, diagrid, and hexagrid structural systems was conducted in this project. For simple frame buildings, diagrid and hexagrid structural systems, a 13, 37, and 46-storey structure with shear wall was modelled and analyzed. A shear wall with a thickness of 230 mm was used. A total of 18 structures were modelled and analyzed. The modelling and analysis were done using ETABS. The response spectrum method is used for earthquake dynamic analysis, and the wind dynamic analysis is used for wind dynamic analysis. Maximum storey displacement, maximum storey drift, base shear, and fundamental time period parameters for all models were compared during the analysis. The diagrid construction is shown to be stiffer than the bare structure.