2nd Indian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Proposed Marketing Strategy in PT. Citatah Tbk with SWOT Analysis Approach and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix to Increase Sales Volume

BINUS University, Fransisca Dini Ariyanti & Devin Devin
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations

In 2020 there was a COVID-19 pandemic which caused economic turmoil to all industrial sectors and in this study focused on the construction sector, where the impact of the pandemic also affected the business performance of PT. Citatah, a company that produces and sells marble, where the company experienced a significant decrease in net profit. It was found that the seven elements of the 7P marketing mix had a significant effect on increasing sales if they were carried out simultaneously based on the results of the F-test and T-test. The results of the study concluded the two elements that gave the most significant influence were product and process elements. Based on the BCG matrix approach to get a product portfolio strategy, the company will allocate a budget for products with low-end segmentation where low-end products are included in the Star quadrant where this quadrant shows products in improving market conditions and profitability. The results of the calculation using the SWOT method, obtained all internal and external aspects of the company, then it was found that the company is in the progressive quadrant so that this triggers the company to execute opportunities and each strategy formulation is correlated back to the elements of the strategy mix that have a significant influence on increasing sales.


Marble Industry, SWOT, BCG Matrix,7P Marketing mix

Published in: 2nd Indian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Warangal, India

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: August 16-18, 2022

ISBN: 978-1-7923-9160-6
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767