The objectives of this study are to find out the optimal layout for warehouse finished goods, to find out if the re-layout of warehouse finished goods which have been proposed provides significant change to the overtime of the workers, and to find out the best proposal of labour scheduling for non-staff to make the schedule more effective. The used methods are the integrated Class-Based Storage Method, Dedicated Storage Method, From-to-Chart Method for layout improvement and Tibrewala, Philippe, and Browne Algorithm for non-staff labour scheduling proposed. The results of re-layout the warehouse finished goods are obtained that the space efficiency is 48,66% and the reduction of cycle time from 3,33 minutes to 1,86 minutes, and the percentage of overtime decreased after partial implementation. The result obtained for the new labour scheduling of non-staff is needed to reduce the amount of labour by as many as two persons, so the workers become 85 people.