Track: Mechatronics
This article deals with the design and development of the modified rotary particle depositor and its characteristics.
This modified rotary particle depositor combines the design advantages of Direct Reading Ferrography and
Analytical Ferrography, also it is versatile in its application over a range of wear particles. The effect of the rotation
speed of the magnet holder, the flow rate of the oil sample, the concentration of particles, and the thickness of the
glass plate are investigated. The speed of the magnet holder is controlled using an Arduino UNO microcontroller
and the flow of sample oil is controlled using micro pumps operated by an Arduino UNO microcontroller. The oil
sample used in a motorcycle or any gearbox is observed using an optical microscope. In the experimental setup, one
strong permanent disc-shaped magnet is used. It has been observed that most of the wear particles in an oil sample
were deposited around the outer diameter of the magnet where the maximum magnetic flux field gradient is localized. A
simple theory for the automation of the rotary particle depositor is presented with an experimental setup.