2nd Indian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Resilience Antecedents and Performance of Indian Supply Chains During Disruptions: Evidence from fsQCA

Nishtha Agarwal & NITIN SETH
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Supply Chain Management

The global functioning of supply chains has exposed them to volatility and turbulence making them vulnerable to disruptions. Resilience has become an important ability for supply chains that enhances event readiness and aids recovery to a better operational state. The restoration of supply chains ensures business continuity and improves performance against the firms whose supply chains are not resilient.

The importance of resilience towards supply chain and firm’s performance has resulted in several studies on its analysis. The literature is replete with studies analysing antecedents of resilience and their effect on supply chain performance amidst disruptions. Despite the abundance of the empirical literature, only a few have examined the resilience antecedent configurations to assess supply chain performance. Even fewer studies have examined the necessity and sufficiency conditions of these configurations. Limited research evidence exists in the context of global supply chains having partners in India.

The study explores the antecedents of resilience influencing supply chain performance amidst disruptions. Furthermore, the study aims to obtain the necessary and sufficient configurations of these antecedents for enhancing supply chain performance and provide managerial suggestions. Therefore, the research questions are (1) What are the antecedents of resilience that may impact the supply chain performance amidst disruptions? (2) What configurations of resilience antecedents can explain the supply chain performance?

Firstly, based on literature review and expert interviews, the antecedents of resilience are obtained for Indian supply chains. Furthermore, Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) is utilised to obtain necessary and sufficient configurations of the antecedents that can explain supply chain performance amidst disruptions. The output of fsQCA software reveals the presence of multiple, equally effective configurations of causal factors that exist for explaining the interplay of antecedents towards enhancing supply chain performance amidst disruptions.

The global functioning of supply chains has exposed them to volatility and turbulence making them vulnerable to disruptions. Resilience has become an important ability for supply chains that enhances event readiness and aids recovery to a better operational state. The restoration of supply chains ensures business continuity and improves performance against the firms whose supply chains are not resilient.

The importance of resilience towards supply chain and firm’s performance has resulted in several studies on its analysis. The literature is replete with studies analysing antecedents of resilience and their effect on supply chain performance amidst disruptions. Despite the abundance of the empirical literature, only a few have examined the resilience antecedent configurations to assess supply chain performance. Even fewer studies have examined the necessity and sufficiency conditions of these configurations. Limited research evidence exists in the context of global supply chains having partners in India.

The study explores the antecedents of resilience influencing supply chain performance amidst disruptions. Furthermore, the study aims to obtain the necessary and sufficient configurations of these antecedents for enhancing supply chain performance and provide managerial suggestions. Therefore, the research questions are (1) What are the antecedents of resilience that may impact the supply chain performance amidst disruptions? (2) What configurations of resilience antecedents can explain the supply chain performance?

Firstly, based on literature review and expert interviews, the antecedents of resilience are obtained for Indian supply chains. Furthermore, Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) is utilised to obtain necessary and sufficient configurations of the antecedents that can explain supply chain performance amidst disruptions. The output of fsQCA software reveals the presence of multiple, equally effective configurations of causal factors that exist for explaining the interplay of antecedents towards enhancing supply chain performance amidst disruptions.

Published in: 2nd Indian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Warangal, India

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: August 16-18, 2022

ISBN: 978-1-7923-9160-6
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767