Track: Human Factors and Ergonomics Competition
Environmental Quality is crucial factor for the people’s health in the neighborhood. Examining the quality of the neighborhood’s environment will play vital role in determining the health and its impact on their lifestyle. Aim is to find out vulnerable areas so that diagnostic planning can be carried out in those areas. The analysis helps figuring out what can be done on improving quality of life on the residents. In the study, efforts were made to collect the information like Environmental Factors, Societal Influence, Neighborhood Management and Healthy life. Questionnaire was prepared on the Factors and a survey of 306 samples has been collected on people’s view, on the Quality of their Life. This data was analyzed using the statistical tools like JMP, excel and SPSS, for getting view on Quality of the environment in the neighborhood. The variables are considered and descriptive statistics, correlation, regression and hypothesis testing are drawn out of 306 samples. Local authorities if they come forward to implement workshops, health education, drainage system, common public toilet, less carbon emission and common parking centers, will have positive impact on quality of life and which in turn has impact on society and finally benefits the whole country.