Track: Lean Six Sigma Competition
Design a HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) Profile to help a Diabetes-Type II Patient avoid taking Insulin glargine injection. In addition to meal control, Metformin medicine, Insulin shot, diabetes patient should exercise at a higher heart rate to burn sugar faster. A Full Factorial DoE of Treadmill Setting (Incline, Speed) was conducted to build a Heart Rate RSM model to design the optimal HIIT Profile. Based on RSM model, Interaction effects are all very little which may indicate Treadmill Heart Rate model is not Coupling (complicate). Heart Rate is linearly proportional to Incline level (Potential Energy when incline angle is small), and in quadratic form with Speed (Kinetic Energy). To avoid the injury risk around the knee/foot, ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injury and jumping patterns were studied by 3D-Motion Bio-Mechanics modeling. The fatigued muscles could not hold knee stable and provide sufficient knee cushion during the shorter soft landing which could increase the ACL injury risk during the 2nd hard landing period. Use the Model Driven SPC to study the injury mechanism to determine the highest speed limit of the Treadmill profile for this Diabetes patient. Through these ACL risk stuiesy, the HIIT profile has been further optimized considering these ACL design constraints. Following the JMP_based HIIT profile, this Diabetic patient has significantly reduced the Blood Glucose, Serum reading from over 200 mg/dL to near 75 mg/dL in 4 months (Acceptable in 65-99 mg/dL).
Six Sigma, DMAIC, Diabetes, HIIT, IMP