Track: Human Factors and Ergonomics
Placemaking are the complex process in cognitive, behavioral and emotional aspects in one’s mind. The physical space has primary role to deliver direct placemaking experience. Since technology play a role in almost every aspect of our life, digital space is merely closer to daily activity, including ‘going places’. Hybrid space comes in between the physical and digital spaces. When it comes to digital placemaking, there are noticeable highlighted aspects in terms of gaining efforts to sustainability. Heritage buildings and landscapes have a great potential support to achieve sustainable built environment that people can experience. This research aims to describe the possibilities of digital placemaking approaches and aspects in terms of addressing sustainable design in the heritage environment specially through hybrid space. The methodology chosen is literature studies about digital placemaking and comparative studies about possibilities of implementing sustainable urban design and architecture in heritage building and environment. Contribution expected through this research is to preserve the richness and values in architectural style and elements in heritage building and environment to achieve resilience and sustainability in social, economy, cultural and environmental aspects through digital placemaking.
hybrid space, digital placemaking, sustainable architecture, heritage building, adaptive reuse