Track: e-Business/e-Service/e-Commerce
Smart tourism destination (STD) is an answer for the needs of current tourism development which shows strong relationship with Information Communication and Technology (ICT) application. Smart destination is built upon four main foundations which are technology, innovation, accessibility, and sustainability. This research aims to compare the four foundations of STD in five super priority destinations in Indonesia. Those destinations are Likupang, Mandalika, Labuan Bajo, Borobudur, and Toba Lake, which currently being the focus of tourism development by the Government. The research method used systematic literature review with specific criteria of reference used. The paper must be coming from Scopus or Google scholar within the previous five years. The result will show how destination implement each aspect of the foundation. Hopefully, the result of this research will be evaluation for local and national government about the smart tourism destination in their area, how each destination implements each foundation in Smart tourism destination.
Smart Tourism Destination, Super Priority Destination, Indonesia, Comparative Study