3rd South American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Adoption of Internet of Thing (IoT) in Smart Hotels to Increase Supply Efficiency with Hotel Equipment Vendor

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Track: e-Business/e-Service/e-Commerce

Many service organizations are for-profit companies such as hotels, restaurants, and retail stores . The hotel and hospitality industry is often considered the most global in the service sector. As a result, large amounts of capital are invested each year in hotel design and improvement to achieve customer satisfaction. One of the biggest investments in hotel equipment such as devices in the living room, bedroom, bathroom and all devices that will be used by customers during their stay in hotels that require investment, monitoring and maintenance with a large budget. Problems arise when the process of supervision, maintenance and replacement is done manually which has an impact on the inefficiency of the hotel equipment supplies process and will indirectly have a negative impact on hotel customer satisfaction. On the other hand, IoT or Internet of Things is a technology that can integrate all types of devices into a computer network. So the purpose of this research is to help hotel management to monitor hotel equipment and improve the efficiency of hotel equipment supplies by adopting Internet of Things technology. The research method uses a qualitative approach through observations about the inefficient conventional hotel supply chain process which has a negative impact on the overall hotel performance. Literature study is used to identify alternative solutions with information technology.

Published in: 3rd South American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: May 10-12, 2022

ISBN: 978-1-7923-9159-0
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767