Track: Manufacturing
Organizations experience mainly two kinds of disturbances: ones due to natural events (such as earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.) or ones resulting from man-made events (such as theft, power failure, etc.). Hence, many organizations strive to sustain resiliency to be able to deal with the various disturbances caused by different risks; and manufacturing systems are not any different. In manufacturing, disturbances could affect the outgoing product quality, the state of different machines, inventory levels, supply chains, or even entire factories. Manufacturing systems that are not resilient enough to withstand short- and long-term disturbances may suffer from dire consequences, such as delayed product launches, unfulfilled orders, customer dissatisfaction, etc. Due to the importance of having resilient manufacturing systems, the purpose of this work is to provide a bibliometric analysis of the recent research efforts on manufacturing systems resiliency in today’s Industry 4.0 era. One of the findings of this work is that there is an increasing interest in this topic in the last five years.