Track: Human Factors and Ergonomics
The implementation of Lean Manufacturing (LM) means a systematic approach of various management methods and practices, which may influence individuals’ job content and the quality of work. However, research related to Socio-technical and Ergonomics (SE) factors has for a long time solely focused on regular production work to a large extent. This study aims to develop a framework that enables to assess the main LM practices with regard to SE practices implementation within companies undergoing a lean implementation. The proposed method comprises the integration of complementary approaches, which provides a maturity analysis matrix illustrated in a case study, indicating whether the identified LM and SE practices’ gaps are systemic or punctual, thus prioritizing the improvements. Further, through the establishment of the degree of criticality of LM practices, our outcomes allow to identify implementation gaps in the lean process that are highly related with the current status of sociotechnical and ergonomics improvements in the company, anticipating problems and developing the practices that converge to them.