5th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

An Integrated Cognitive Performance Evaluation Framework for Urban Search and Rescue Applications

Steven Jiang
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Human Factors and Ergonomics

A variety of techniques and methods are available to evaluate cognitive performance. However, traditional cognitive performance evaluation techniques incorporate only the conscious or systematic aspect, failing to take into consideration the subconscious or intuitive aspect. This leads to incomplete measures and produces ineffective designs. In order to fill the gaps in past research, this study developed a theoretical framework to facilitate the integration of situation awareness (SA) and intuitive pattern recognition (IPR) to enhance the cognitive performance representation in Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) applications. The purpose of this framework is to provide a common structure for the integration of SA and IPR in USAR domains. The integrated framework consists of a sequence of procedures that can be used as a blueprint in the identification of the USAR responder’s total cognitive performance to both investigate and improve the system design. 

Published in: 5th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: March 3-5, 2015

ISBN: 978-0-9855497-2-5
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767